Bring on the Wallabies.

A draw against Wales. This morning's loss to Ireland. Then - lo and behold - who should you be coming up against this weekend at Murrayfield? Why, the Scots.
Now I would normally be approaching such a match with a little bit of trepidation (and to be honest, I still am a little nervous). We don't have a great recent record of defeating the might of the Wallabies at home (or abroad for that matter!). But if it's going to happen, it will be happening this Saturday. Let's see if the uncapped Rory Lawson can follow in his old man's footsteps.
Of course between now and then I've got a bit of a shindig to organise. Thankfully it looks like it won't be snowing down here in Melbourne on Wednesday evening. I'd better go and pick up the kilt from the drycleaners...
Wales? Maybe.
Ireland? Perhaps.
Scotland? I don't think so Charles. About as much chance as your cricket team has against us in next year's world cup.
Since when have you chaps been hitting leather on willow anyway?
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