Bonnie Blog

The ramblings of one Charles Stuart

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why go to Aspen for Christmas...

...when it's snowing in Melbourne in November? I came here for Summer and look what happens. I just hope it's not freezing down there next Wednesday for the party at the big house (I'll have to watch out - there have been more than a few Stuarts that people have wanted to see behind bars!).

Speaking of which (parties, not prisons), I must say I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening. After the great hospitality I've enjoyed in Sydney, it will be a pleasure to return the favour. It's all very exciting really - a rather regal affair. A little bit of Scottish flavour to the menu. An interesting - to say the least - array of music (something for your gran, even). And a few wee Drambuie recipes a lot of you may not have had the pleasure of trying before.

Also, it's been good to see a few international dignitaries already arriving in town for the party. Particularly your fine self, Miranda.

It's getting very close to that time again. Time to 'Cuimhnich An Tabhartas Prionnsa'.


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