Farewell Australia!

Beannachd leat!
It's been a great couple of months but, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I'm back off home to Scotland (Christmas with the extended family in Glasgow and then a spot of fishing with the old man in the Caribbean). And then, who knows?
You Australians will be hearing from me in the coming weeks. It's the perfect time to celebrate with a glass of the secret elixir in one hand - and I've a few gift ideas in mind for members of the clan! If you've got any friends who want to join in the celebrations, just tell them to visit drambuieclan.com. I will be in touch.
To those friends in Scotland, Europe and out on the boat - I'll see you shortly.
And to you all - as they've been known to say in Scotland since, oh, about 1745: "Cuimhnich An Tabhartas Prionnsa".
Remember The Gift Of The Prince!