I am new to this. Sounds like I went in to tour guide mode on that last post. Tickets, anyone?
Anyway, I’ve now found my way to Tarifa (drove down from Seville). “Wind capital of Europe’ they say. I thought it was because it looks across straight over to Morocco and something to do with Southerly winds (“one too many Tagines, my friend”) but the kite surfing here is empire.
Can’t say I took it myself, but check out the quick snap.

Went out in Ruina last night. Not exactly the centre of the universe but can’t complain. Some largesse coming up, so doesn’t hurt to have a quiet one.
Oh. Also thought that in an effort for those of you reading who still think I’m a Luddite, that I’d take the opportunity to dazzle you with my new hi-tech self. I know you’ve been blagging about it for ages Mac, but I’ve finally taken a look at Google Earth. (Not sure if you can see me waving – just to the left of the red roof).