Bondi. 7am.

Was down at Bondi this morning taking some photos. Ran into Uge again. He's the guy who runs Aquabumps. Talk about a life. Hangs out at the beach every morning. Takes a few photos. Posts them on his site. And then seems to be off on a surfing trip around the world every few months. And I thought I had it good...
As if you can talk, what is your job again? travelling the world visiting bars and talking up something your olds did 300 years ago? (or thereabouts)...
Anyway it was good to see you in Mexico, I hope the jetlag wasn't to bad on the way back. Did the seats recline fully this time? did that girl (illana? lama?) or something actually leave with you? or was that the 'ole secret elixir' talking?
Oh well, maybe you can find an aussie bride, it seem's all the rage at the mo'
See you Christmas or maybe the Sydney party if I can get the time off.
PS. Doe's anybody but me read thing thing?
I am reading this Pierce! The pics look great from Mexico. Thanks to Uge who added a link to your blog on the Aquabumps newsletter!
Terri (you haven't met me....yet!)
Hi Charles,
Wanted to drop in to say hi.
I am a stalker friend of Uge's - say hi from Gen if you get a chance.
Maybe I could hook a lefty and head up to Sydney for a threesome with you hotties!
How long will you be in Sydney?
Genevieve x
Terri, I look forward to the privilege.
Genevieve, I'm back and forth between Sydney and Melbourne to tell you the truth. So perhaps you don't even need to hook left. I'm having parties in both cities in November. Probably leaving after that.
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